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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Roar 2 Change

Before a baby born God decided about all his relation that who will be his/her MOM,DAD,BROTHER,SISTER & all other relation......but there is a one relation which he makes his own which is FRIENDSHIP....what we can't able to share...our parents and even to our wife which is our life partner we are sharing our all secrets with our friends ........
well......above line is for that because you all are my friends.......and my dreams comes true with you...Alexandra won the whole world.......but i want to win whole worlds my home is your heart......hope u give me place there
there is lots...of thing is happing near by us but we ignore them always....why?? we also dont know .....there is recently survey from govt of check the status of the womens/girls in the delhi i dont know the govt. what think after the report....

Govt.of delhi survey says that...more than 88% womens/girls are not safe.......81% are suffering from.....devils.....this survey is not only for delhi.....its % will rise if we look for whole whom we devils....or Govt...???????

no one want to talk on this subject because all the man. Dont know even me also is involve in this by direct or indirect....i think that if we will go for all india surey the % will go rise and rise and its not to be supprised that from every 100 out of 100 womens are suffreing from...this sictuation...
Dont know will govt. wake up after 63 years of indipandace or womens will ROAR to chage them self....

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